Living With Style, Balance And Purpose

There is an abundance of information available to the general public about lifestyle choices and living responsibly.  But people are complex and making lifestyle changes and choices are complex.

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Nicholas Johnson wrote a thoughtful book (when he was a Federal Communication Commissioner) called, Test Pattern For Living where he raises the question of what are the ingredients of a fully-functioning person?  He begins with a disclaimer:  “No one – save fanatics and corporate profiteers – has “the” answer.  Your answer must be found by You.”  For him, it meant getting back in touch with what he called “his life support systems.”  He started with love and his relationships, time for contemplation and moved on to food and material possession priorities.  He found time to enjoy nature and exercise followed naturally.

Interesting story.  Nothing new, really.  Something motivated him.  We all probably have enough information to make balanced choices but often don’t.Pin It

Theologian, Spencer Marsh, suggests in his book, Beginnings: Portrayal of the Creation, it has a lot to do with having a lip-smacking appreciation for who you are.  He believes that each one of us is a work of art, uniquely gifted and blessed.  The hope is that our choice will be to use our special gifts to be a blessing to others and the world we share.

Harvey Cox, Professor of Theology at Harvard Divinity School, suggests in his book, When Jesus Came to Harvard, that having a spiritual center is crucial to being a person of value.  At one point
in his career the faculty of Harvard asked him to teach a course on the teachings of Jesus in their Moral Reasoning Division.  The reason?  It was becoming embarrassing that so many of their graduates in high places were doing bad things personally and to our society.  Was something missing in their education?  Over twenty years his course packed out with students of diverse cultures, faiths and no faith.

People are inspired and motivated  for a lot of personal reasons..  Education and information are key ingredients to making wise choices.  Choosing to deepen our spiritual walk can help us become the person of value we were created to be and live a more abundant life.

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