Sometimes, it is important to rid your body of toxins and give your digestive system a fresh new start, particularly after you've over-indulged. While your body is able to do its own detox as long as you have a healthy diet and exercise on a regular basis, you can still detox yourself to get rid of any stubborn toxins that remain.
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Lingering toxins in the body can disrupt your systems and your natural balance, so it's vital to make sure you are as free of these harmful substances as possible.
One of the more effective ways to detox is the colon cleanse, and you don't need chemicals or odd ingredients to do this. Chances are, the top two ingredients are probably already in your kitchen right now, and they are all you need for your cleanse.
The benefits of a cleanse range from more energy and better digestion to improved colon health, so here is what you need to do and know about these two natural powerhouses.
The 2 Ingredients
For your detox, all you need is raw, unprocessed honey and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. The vinegar should have the “mother” at the bottom, which is a bundle of acetic acid bacteria and cellulose found at the bottom of its jar and always seen in all-natural vinegar.
Pasteurized vinegar will not come with the mother still inside. The vinegar pasteurization process removes some of its beneficial properties, so make sure what you are using is unprocessed.
The mixture of raw honey and apple cider vinegar purifies your system because it is able to remove the bad waste without removing the good bacteria your body needs for true balance. So, unlike some other remedies, it won't harm the delicate balance of good bacteria in your body when removing toxins.
This is a very gentle remedy and not the “fast flush” type of detox that can be hard on your body and cause a lot of unwanted side effects.
How To Make Your Detox Drink
Get a glass and fill it with around eight ounces of warm water. Make sure the water isn't too hot, as you won't be able to drink it. Shake up the vinegar to mix up the bits at the bottom, and add two tablespoons of the vinegar to the water.
Next, take two tablespoons of your raw honey, and add it to your vinegar and water mixture. Stir it really well until the honey has completely dissolved. Your drink should be just about one color throughout, and if it isn't, you need to mix it more. Once it's completely mixed and uniform, you can drink it and go about your normal routine.
You can drink this detox drink when you first wake up or anytime you feel you need a colon cleanse, such as after a weekend of unhealthy eating. Unlike some other remedies, you don't have to worry about going about your daily business while the cleanse starts to take effect.
While this is a fast-acting cleanse because it's easy for your digestive system to absorb it, it doesn't result in fast bowel movements after consumption, so you don't need to hang out around a bathroom after you drink it or be concerned about any unpleasant or embarrassing side effects.
Why This Cleanse Works
Apple cider vinegar benefits have been well-documented because of the healthy compounds it features. In apple cider vinegar, you'll find a whole host of bioactive components such as catechin, gallic acid, p-coumaric acid, acetic acid and chlorogenic acid.
The benefits of apple cider vinegar also include:
• Obesity fighting: As reported by WebMD, a study done in Japan showed that obese people who took vinegar lost more weight than those who received water over a 12-week period. The participants ate similar diets, but the vinegar group lost one to two pounds on average while the water group didn’t shed any weight.
• Blood sugar balance: Also noted by WebMD, apple cider vinegar has anti-glycemic properties. It blocks the digestion of some starches and stops them from raising your blood sugar levels.
• Gut health boost: Your gut is home to around 80 percent of your immune system, so it’s important to keep it in good health. One way to help address imbalances in your gut is by taking in some probiotic-rich beverages, and that group includes apple cider vinegar.
• Satiety improvement: People sometimes overeat or reach for unhealthy snacks because they simply don’t feel full or satisfied after they eat a meal. According to Authority Nutrition, studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can help you feel full, which may mean less calories consumed.
Honey, particularly in its unprocessed form, has a range of benefits as well, which include:
• Packed with probiotics: Like the apple cider vinegar, unfiltered honey is packed in probiotics, so it can help restore your digestive system's good bacteria. Since it increases the level of beneficial bacteria in your gut, consuming raw honey can lead to better digestion and improved nutrient absorption.
• Possible cancer fighter: A 2014 study published in the Molecules Journal found that honey may inhibit and delay the growth of cancer and tumors because of its natural properties.
• A natural antibacterial agent: Per WebMD, while not fully studied in humans yet, honey has been shown to inhibit the growth of harmful food pathogens like E. coli and fight off some harmful bacteria, including staphylococcus aureus.
What You Should Know
Apple cider vinegar is great in moderation, which is why this cleanse drink only calls for two tablespoons. Don't drink ACV unless it's mixed with something else, as it is very acidic and could burn the delicate tissues of your throat and damage your tooth enamel without any dilution.
Long-term use has been associated with a loss of bone density, so speak to your doctor before trying this cleanse if you have any bone condition or are at risk of one.
If you have a bee or pollen allergy, be aware that honey could trigger an allergic reaction, and exercise caution when using. Excessive amounts of honey could lead to weight gain or diabetes, as it does contain a lot of calories.
Since honey has more fructose in it than glucose, some people do struggle to absorb the fructose and experience stomach upset if they eat a lot of honey at one time.
Kickstart Some Healthier Habits
Drinking this detox drink may seem like a small step, but it is just one way to embark on a healthier lifestyle. Making big lifestyle changes can be difficult, but when you start off with something simple yet effective, it can become easier to make adjustments in other areas of your life.
Try this honey-apple cider detox drink today to feel better and start on your own journey to better health and a happier you!