Post-Thanksgiving Sunday Brunch: Delicious Recipes for the Morning

A few days have passed since the ever-pleasing Thanksgiving. Good times have been spent with the relatives, funny stories have been shared, and new memories have been formed. Most importantly, people are starting to get back in the mood for turkey. Now is the day to use up a big portion of those leftovers, so what’s on the menu?

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On the Side – Cranberry Cream Cheese Bites

It’s not uncommon to buy a bag of rolls or have extra cranberry sauce. That said, put ‘em to work!

First, bake or heat your leftover rolls in the oven or toaster. If they are a single roll, cut them in half before toasting. After they are cooked to your liking, pull them out. Simply add cranberry sauce (this works best if its homemade) to one side of the roll. On the other half, lightly spread cream cheese. If you prefer, serve with a small glass of raw milk!

The Main Plate – Thanksgiving Omelet


  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 2 tbsp raw butter
  • ½ cup free-range turkey
  • ½ cup ham
  • ½ cup organic cheese
  • 1-2 cups/whole potatoes (either sliced or leftover mashed)
  • Splash of low-fat, organic milk
  • Small handful organic scallions and chives
  • Handful of organic spinach
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


  1. On the stove, heat chopped scallions in butter in two pans. Meanwhile, mix the milk and eggs together and mix. Add salt and pepper. Once the eggs are fluffy, pour onto scallions in a small/medium pan.
  2. In the other pan, add potatoes to butter and scallions. If you are using left over mashed potatoes, consider making golden potato pancakes. Simply add to pan, lightly brown each side, and top with cheese and chives (salt and pepper to taste). Alternatively, cook sliced potatoes. Peel and thinly slice 1-2 large russet potatoes, add to pan (add 1 tbsp oil, If desirePin Itd) and let cook. Consider mixing in stuffing if available. Top with chives when serving.
  3. In the first pan, the eggs should have been standing for 10-15 seconds. When ready, scramble with spatula and tilt pan to spread eggs on all sides. After a few seconds, carefully turn the omelet over. Cook until the underside of the omelet is light brown. Mix in chopped or shredded turkey, ham, and cheese into center of eggs. Fold, place on plate, and serve with potatoes. Try stacking the omelet or potatoes on the cranberry bites for extra flavor!

Hello, Sunday

These dishes, complimented with a tall glass of organic, fresh squeezed orange juice, are a sure-fire way to start a good Sunday. Better yet, it's a good way to keep the spirit of Thanksgiving alive. Of course, go with your intuition and work in whatever ingredients you’ve been left with since Thanksgiving. Sweet potato pancakes, for example, are beyond delicious.

Remember not to waste your food! That said, get cookin’!

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